Tablets & iPads

Tablets and iPads have changed the way we can view content forever. With a size that is about as large as a sheet of paper, screens that are from edge to edge and are no thicker than a spiral notebook, tablets and iPads allow for the access of information in one of the most convenient formats that we have ever had available to us. They are not just for the consumption of content. With the right accessories, you can sketch, record instruments or even remotely control a drone!

How can we help you with Tablets & iPads?


We ask about your use cases & current software you use as criteria to help decide which model is right for you, along with which accessories will help you make the most of it.


We work with a number of suppliers to make sure we find a product that is in stock & available.


We can be there to help you unpack your device, show you how to turn it on, setup common apps & teach you all of the tricks we know.


If you run into trouble, you can count on us to give you a hand.


Google Play Store

Apple App Store





Drawing Stylus